The foot of a T-rex loomed over me. This is the end, I thought. I looked around for the last time. Dinosaurs surrounded me. I tried to stay cool as a cucumber but it didn’t work. Wait a minute! How did you get so far in the story. Lets start from the beginning…
It started out as a normal day at school. Teachers were droning, I was snoring. My regular routine. But little did I know this was gonna be a day to remember. A day in history. A—. Sorry I got a little side tracked. Anyway—. Oh my goodness! I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Sia Brown. I am in the sixth grade and am 12 years old. Well, I was walking to my science class with my best friend Alexis Waters. When we got to the door It had a big sign that read: Do not enter. Obviously we entered.
I couldn’t believe my eyes! It seemed like the room had grown and filling up the space was a huge U.F.O looking thing. It slipped my mind why I was even in there, but all I could think about was how to get into the ginormous machine. ” Are you thinking what I’m thinking ” I said, turning to Alexis. ” Yup ” she said with a nod. We both rushed to the U.F.O and tried the door. It opened with with a swoosh.
Inside looked like a very high – tech space ship. It looked almost like a —. Oh. My. Goodness. Why didn’t I realize this before. It’s a TIME MACHINE!!!! ” If it really is a Time Machine, we are definitely going to see dinosaurs”. I said. She nodded, distracted with all the bells and whistles. ” Well that settles it ” I said. ” We are off to the Jurassic world ” I exclaimed.
We took of with a jolt. I looked out the gargantuan window and saw my friends faces. ” Sorry ” I yelled. ” You missed the boat “. Suddenly, I was beginning to have second thoughts but I didn’t want to hear Alexis’s chant. ” Sia is a chicken! Sia is a chicken! “. I looked out the window again and all I could see was multi colored lightning flashes. ” Almost there! ” Alexis yelled over all the crackling noises from outside.
When we landed it looked just like the movies. Beautiful paradise, Dinosaurs walking everywhere. I was so exited, my pulse was a race car. I pulled out my phone and snapped some pictures. It had just dawned on me that Alexis and I were all alone on an island full of dinosaurs. Just then I heard a scream, then I realized it emitted from my mouth.
Suddenly, everything went quiet. All the dinosaurs turned there heads and looked at me. I turned around, ready to jump into the time machine only to find out that IT WASN’T THERE!!! So, we turned and fled. I don’t know how long we were running but I do know that every time I turned around, there was a herd of Dino’s behind us.
Unfortunately, I didn’t see the root until it was so late. I tripped over it. I called for Alexis and I know she heard me but she kept running. Some friend she is, I thought. Congratulations! You have made it to the part from the beginning. All the dinosaurs caught up to me and surrounded me. This is the end, I thought. I felt like a fish out of water. In a few seconds, I will be dead as a door nob. I looked around for the last time.
Suddenly I heard a loud scream then I saw the Dino with Its foot over me fall over backwards. I looked up and saw Alexis floating in the air. ” Hop in!” she yelled. I realized she was in the time machine But how would I get in there. Suddenly, The time machine flickered and I could see it. I opened the door and hopped in.
We drove home as quick as a bunny. Maybe it wasn’t such a good idea to see the dinosaurs. I can’t wait to get home and tell everyone. What if they don’t believe me. Oh well. now that we know about the time machine we will be able to go wherever we want. Yay! Maybe we can go see the woolly mammoths. 
Well, we will see in Time Travel #2
I social studies we are researching different topics that we believe need to be changed. I did my project on gender equality. I chose this topic because I think it’s important that people should be able to express themselves without being judged. Until the end of the nineteenth century, women were treated as the lower gender and not allowed to vote and have an education.
The city of Toronto is protecting violence against women, girls and gender non conforming people (non conforming means that you do not confirm to something). Lena Hallengren is an activist and she is the minister of children & gender equality. I think it is important to have people like her helping people.
I think people can help this problem by not having a closed mindset and being open minded.♥
♥Thank you for reading. Blog later.♥
My book report is on a book called Yuit. Yuit is about a girl named Liak who lives in the arctic. One day when she and her grandpa were out hunting she finds a beautiful white seal. But it was albino! It had white fur and red eyes. When her grandpa saw it he freaked out. He said that she has to get rid of it right away because albino seals are bad luck.
When she got back home all the kids loved the seal but when the leaders saw it they told her that she has to get rid of the seal before the next day or she would be punished. She decided to run away wit her seal named Yuit.
If you want to know what happens next, read Yuit by: Yvette Edmonds. Blog later!
I did my book report on a book called wonder. Wonder is a book about a boy named August. He was born with face abnormalities. He never went to school because of that. When he goes to school he gets teased and everybody thinks that if they touch him they have thirty seconds to wash their hands or else they have ” The Plague “.🤒
He only has two friends Jack and Summer. But when a boy named Julian gets all the boys to ignore Jack, Summer and August.😱
Will Julian continue to bully or will there be a stop to it.🤔Find out in wonder by R.J. Palacio.☺️
Thanks for reading😄😀☺️😃🙂😋😛😝😜
My spelling groups name is Atwood named after Margaret Atwood. She has written 15 books of poetry. Most of them are inspired by myths and fairytales. She was born in Ottawa and is the second of three siblings.
She was born on November 18,1936. She is now 77 years old. Margaret holds honorary degrees from Oxford University, Cambridge Universi ty, another d the Sorbonne.
Well, that’s all folks. Blog later.😋
Hi again. Today I am going to tell you what my bucket list is.
1. I want to go to the moon: so I can dance on the moon.💃🏾 🌕
2. I want to learn different languages: so when i travel the world I can speak their language 🇬🇭🇨🇻🇧🇼🇦🇿🇮🇴🇦🇱🇦🇲🇦🇶🇨🇮🇨🇿🇫🇷🇬🇦🇬🇳🇱🇧
3. I want to skydive:to get over my fear of heights😖😀
4. Live to 90: the year will be 3000👵🏾
5. Climb a mountain: I have always wanted to do that.🗻
6. I want to be a cartoonist: I love drawing cartoons.🎨
7. I want to own a restaurant: I like to cook.🍳
8. I want to teach people spelling: I am good at spelling.✍🏾
9. I want to be a singer: I am good at singing.🎤
10: Be an actor: because I like acting in plays.
I hope you enjoyed my post. Please comment. Blog you layer.🤗.
Hello again. Today I am going to talk about a lovely female astronaut. Her name is Peggy Whitson and she is in space. She was 56 when she took of on November 18 2016, and she became the oldest woman to travel in space. In February she turned 57.
On January 7 2017 she completed a six and a half hour spacewalk she became the oldest woman to do that. She also tied the record of total number of spacewalks that women have done.
She has been in space for 534 days.She is still in space. Even Donald Trump congratulated her. I think that it is pretty cool that she is the oldest woman to be in space and the oldest woman to do a spacewalk.
I hope you enjoyed my post. Blog you later.☺☺
Last week we had a field trip and we went to Fort York. At Fort York we learned how soldiers and officers lived. The soldiers lived in cabins with some some bunks. Each soldier had a bunk for him and his family. If you were under thirteen you could live with your dad.
The officers lived better than the soldiers. They had maids and butlers. They had a chef. There was a menu and the chef would cook every thing on the menu every day. The officers would eat what they wanted.
I think the officers and the soldiers should live the same way. If the officers want the soldiers to fight they should let the soldiers eat and sleep properly.
I hope you enjoyed my post! Blog you later!🌈🏝🌋🌅🌄🌠🎇🎆🌉🎈😋
Hi everyone! Today I am going to talk about what I saw on ctv this morning. There where passengers on an Air Canada plane and because there was bad weather they had to be rerouted. If you don’t know what rerouted means, it means something has to change direction.
A Air Canada employee announced that is was not possible to get food that hour. Then a guy from West Jet walked in and asked everybody if they wanted pizza. Everyone applauded the West Jet guy.
The Air Canada guy offered everybody 10$ vouchers**. But there was one problem. There was nowhere to use them! That is the end of my post. I hope you enjoyed it.
**A voucher is almost like a free pass to get free stuff.☺☺☺☺☺☺☺
Hello again. Today I am talking about the results of my Science Fair project. Do you remember another blog post I posted talking about my Science Fair project. Well, I finally finished it.
If you don`t remember, my question was do magnets work the same in different liquids. As I expected, the jello was very slow to move with the magnet. I also thought that the magnet in the water would move quickly with the magnet outside of the cup and I was right! The magnet in the honey was the third slowest and the magnet in the syrup took the longest.
I think the jello took the longest because it is high in viscosity. I think my results would be useful for someone who studies magnetic rocks. If they need to get a magnetic rock under the sea they could use a magnet to get the rock and I think it would move to the magnet if they are close enough. ( I also used liquid soap and it had the same results as the water) Blog you later!