Time Travel!
The foot of a T-rex loomed over me. This is the end, I thought. I looked around for the last time. Dinosaurs surrounded me. I tried to stay cool as a cucumber but it didn’t work. Wait a minute! How did you get so far in the story. Lets start from the beginning…
It started out as a normal day at school. Teachers were droning, I was snoring. My regular routine. But little did I know this was gonna be a day to remember. A day in history. A—. Sorry I got a little side tracked. Anyway—. Oh my goodness! I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Sia Brown. I am in the sixth grade and am 12 years old. Well, I was walking to my science class with my best friend Alexis Waters. When we got to the door It had a big sign that read: Do not enter. Obviously we entered.
I couldn’t believe my eyes! It seemed like the room had grown and filling up the space was a huge U.F.O looking thing. It slipped my mind why I was even in there, but all I could think about was how to get into the ginormous machine. ” Are you thinking what I’m thinking ” I said, turning to Alexis. ” Yup ” she said with a nod. We both rushed to the U.F.O and tried the door. It opened with with a swoosh.
Inside looked like a very high – tech space ship. It looked almost like a —. Oh. My. Goodness. Why didn’t I realize this before. It’s a TIME MACHINE!!!! ” If it really is a Time Machine, we are definitely going to see dinosaurs”. I said. She nodded, distracted with all the bells and whistles. ” Well that settles it ” I said. ” We are off to the Jurassic world ” I exclaimed.
We took of with a jolt. I looked out the gargantuan window and saw my friends faces. ” Sorry ” I yelled. ” You missed the boat “. Suddenly, I was beginning to have second thoughts but I didn’t want to hear Alexis’s chant. ” Sia is a chicken! Sia is a chicken! “. I looked out the window again and all I could see was multi colored lightning flashes. ” Almost there! ” Alexis yelled over all the crackling noises from outside.
When we landed it looked just like the movies. Beautiful paradise, Dinosaurs walking everywhere. I was so exited, my pulse was a race car. I pulled out my phone and snapped some pictures. It had just dawned on me that Alexis and I were all alone on an island full of dinosaurs. Just then I heard a scream, then I realized it emitted from my mouth.
Suddenly, everything went quiet. All the dinosaurs turned there heads and looked at me. I turned around, ready to jump into the time machine only to find out that IT WASN’T THERE!!! So, we turned and fled. I don’t know how long we were running but I do know that every time I turned around, there was a herd of Dino’s behind us.
Unfortunately, I didn’t see the root until it was so late. I tripped over it. I called for Alexis and I know she heard me but she kept running. Some friend she is, I thought. Congratulations! You have made it to the part from the beginning. All the dinosaurs caught up to me and surrounded me. This is the end, I thought. I felt like a fish out of water. In a few seconds, I will be dead as a door nob. I looked around for the last time.
Suddenly I heard a loud scream then I saw the Dino with Its foot over me fall over backwards. I looked up and saw Alexis floating in the air. ” Hop in!” she yelled. I realized she was in the time machine But how would I get in there. Suddenly, The time machine flickered and I could see it. I opened the door and hopped in.
We drove home as quick as a bunny. Maybe it wasn’t such a good idea to see the dinosaurs. I can’t wait to get home and tell everyone. What if they don’t believe me. Oh well. now that we know about the time machine we will be able to go wherever we want. Yay! Maybe we can go see the woolly mammoths.
Well, we will see in Time Travel #2