My name would be Super Sapphire. I would have ten super powers. My first super power would be invisibility. I would choose invisibility because nobody would see me and I could  sneak up on anybody. I could also creep people out by making things float. That would come in handy on Halloween.

My second power would be flying. It would be flying because that would be very fun. I would be able to fly with the birds. I would also not have to walk anywhere because I could fly one centimeter off the ground. It would be like having wheels on the bottom of your shoes.

For my third super power I would be able to make food appear, but I could choose if I wanted people to see my food or not. That would come in handy when I am so hungry in class and I just have to eat or else I would explode.

For my fourth super power, I would be able to shape shift. Shape shifting would be cool because I could turn into anything I want to. Maybe I could turn into food and eat myself but I think that would be cannibalism and besides I already have that other super power where I can make food appear.

For my fifth super power I would be able to heal from any thing very quick. Like if I got a cut I would be able to heal super fast. If I got a sickness I would be able to heal very fast. That would come in handy when I am very hurt or very sick I could heal quick.

For my sixth super power I would be indestructible. I would be indestructible because if I fell off a high building would bounce back.

For my seventh super power I would be able to wipe peoples memories. However I would be able to wipe out the parts I want so if I did something wrong I would be able to clear it up. I would also be able to make everyone (except  for Donald trump) forget he became president in the first place. That would make everyone happy.

For my eighth super power I would be able to control time. I think that is cool because if I did something wrong I would be able to mess up so many times I would still be able to redo it. Like if I got a math test wrong I could do it again. But the greatest part would be that no one would notice that I even changed time.

For my ninth super power I would be able to teleport. That would be very cool because if I wanted to go any were I could. But I would be so fast that no one would even know I was gone.

For my tenth super power it would be speed. It would be speed because I think speed is very awesome. I think it is awesome because I could run so fast. It would almost be like teleportation except I would be running instead of actually teleporting. It would also come in handy when I am running away from bad guys.

Those are my super powers. I home you enjoyed them. Good bye

3 Comments on SUPER POWERS☺☻♥

  1. culinarychemist
    December 1, 2016 at 3:03 pm (7 years ago)

    I really like it. 10 super powers wow I only have 2 talk to you later ☻◘♥

  2. icequeen1
    December 5, 2016 at 7:28 pm (7 years ago)

    WOW how would you know what to to when

  3. sapphire2
    January 25, 2017 at 4:30 pm (7 years ago)

    Well, icequeen if I was hungry I would use my food super. If I was too lazy to walk I would use the flying super power. If I was feeling mean I would turn invisible and trip someone. You probably know where this is going.☺


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